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Sonia Gandhi’s Heartfelt Message: ‘Telangana People Are Close To My Heart’

Congress party leader Sonia Gandhi gave a message to the people of Telangana during the assembly elections campaign. Sonia Gandhi shared her affection for the people of Telangana, saying that she cannot always come to Telangana, but it is very close to her heart. She asked people to vote for the Congress Party if they expected any good change. Sonia sent a message in the form of a video.

Sonia Gandhi was supposed to participate in the Telangana election campaign, but it was cancelled due to unavoidable reasons. So, she gave a message to the people of Telangana through a video on Tuesday, the last day of the campaign.

Also Read: Final Stage Of Campaign: Whirlwind Tour Of Prominent BJP Leaders In Telangana

Sonia’s Video Message

Sonia Gandhi said, “Hello, my dear Telangana brothers and sisters. I can’t come to you. But you are always close to my heart. I want to share something with you today. We want to see if the dream of martyrs for Telangana comes true. That’s all I really want to happen. Let us all convert the Telangana of the aristocrats into the Telangana of the people. Let’s make your dreams come true by honest government. You called me Soniamma and honoured me immensely. I will always be grateful to you for the love and affection you show me as a mother. I will be devoted forever. Sisters, mothers, children, and brothers of Telangana only want one thing: This time, you all do your best to make a difference. Vote for Congress. Change should come; Congress should come. Jai Telangana, Jai Hind.”

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