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Andhra Pradesh

Pawan Kalyan: Hero Only In Movies, Comedian In Politics!

Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan is making unsustainable decisions and there is dissatisfaction within his own party. Many Janasena workers and leaders continue to be deceived every time they believe his statements, policies and words. He makes accusations and statements without even knowing what the actual Janasena workers want. People are worried about what will happen to the state if such people get power even by mistake. Janasenani (Pawan), who once said that the CM post is not something that comes because you want, has turned into a political comedian by now saying that he is ready to accept the post of CM if given to him. Pawan Kalyan, who recently signalled that he was out of the NDA, announced that he was still in the NDA the next day.

Won’t Forgive Lokesh, Khabadhar (beware)?

Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan has publicly criticized Lokesh in the past. He did not carry out ‘Scam Andhra’ but ‘Corruption Andhra’, Pawan criticised. He said that Lokesh is a corrupt politician. He expressed doubts on whether Lokesh’s corruption has come to Chandrababu’s notice or not. Recently he said TDP insulted his mother. He made comments saying that he does not forgive the Telugu Desam Party and Lokesh, adding “Don’t forget! Khabaddhar!”. “I am ready to go to jail, but I won’t go back on my word” Pawan had said. “My word is very strong. Why would I want to live if I can’t keep my word.” These comments Pawan made in the past are now going viral on social media.

Jana Sena Alliance With TDP

TDP and Janasena parties have managed to form an alliance. Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan announced the alliance with TDP with the Rajamahmundry Central Jail as the witness. The announcement of the alliance has been made but the top leaders of both the parties are not undertaking any exercise on the future course of action. However, it is reported that six issues were discussed in the meeting chaired by Pawan and Lokesh recently. On the other hand, whether Pawan Kalyan is in the NDA or not, does not make a difference because he does not have any MLA or MP. He himself could not win a single seat in AP. But many are criticizing that they are saying this to deceive people.

Grave Concern Among Janasainiks

It is known that Chandrababu was arrested by the police in the Skill Scam case. Similarly, TDP is involved in cases like Inner Ring Road and Fibernet. But the question remains how Pawan Kalyan, who is helpless to talk about these corruption allegations, will be able to tell the Janasena workers to fight uncompromisingly against corruption. What is Pawan Kalyan’s real goal? If he gets the seats he wants, will he take them and sing the song of TDP? Or is it to get the post of CM as many of his fans, especially in the Kapu community, want? Or does he want to make Chandrababu or Lokesh the CM? There is great concern among the Janasainiks as these meetings are being held without any real clarity.

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