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Andhra Pradesh

TDP falls behind in social justice by allotting meagre seats to BCs

Ever since Chandrababu turned his back on senior NTR and took over TDP, the importance of BCs in the party has been decreasing. Chandrababu, who has repeatedly said that TDP belongs to BCs and that TDP was born only for the poor and weaker sections, has once again turned his back on BCs in the selection of candidates and other posts. It has once again become clear that BCs are being seen as a vote bank.

Also Read: “My people are my strength”: CM Jagan dares to do the unthinkable by allotting 50% seats!

Chandrababu backstabs BCs

The Telugu Desam Party (TDP) has released candidate nominations for 128 MLA seats in preparation for the upcoming elections, split into two phases. The TDP has announced candidates for 128 MLA seats in two phases for the upcoming elections. In this allocation, they assigned 72 seats to OCs and 24 seats to BCs, with 18 seats assigned in the first list and 6 in the second. Additionally, 25 seats were allotted to SCs and 4 to STs according to reservation criteria. Chandrababu, who allocated 43 seats to BC groups in the last election, has halved this number for the upcoming election.

Also Read: AP election schedule announced: Sr citizens can vote from home!

YSRCP allots additional seats to backward classes!

In the history of the state, YSRCP has allocated the most number of seats to SC, ST, BC and minority, as part of their candidate lists for the 2024 AP elections. CM Jagan said that more and more social justice will be provided in the coming days. Out of 200 MP and MLA seats, 33 seats are allotted to SCs, 8 to STs, 59 to BCs and 100 to OCs. This time 11 more seats have been allotted to SC, ST, BC and minorities than before. In the 2019 MP elections, four seats were given to SCs and 12 seats to BCs. In 2024, an additional four seats were allotted to BCs.

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