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Farmers’ Protests Reignite Tensions in Delhi: A Recap

Once again, tensions rise in Delhi as farmer union leaders accuse the government of failing to uphold promises made during the repeal of agricultural laws. Despite recent discussions with the government, farmers reject requests for more time to meet their demands, prompting renewed protests. Farmers from Punjab, Chandigarh, and other states are mobilizing to converge on Delhi, prompting increased police presence in the capital’s vicinity.

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The situation now mirrors the past, when Delhi was gripped with worry over three controversial agricultural laws introduced by the central government in 2020. These bills, purportedly aimed at benefiting farmers, include the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill, the Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation)Bill, and the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Bill.

Delhi under siege due to protests at that time

Despite the government’s claim that the laws were for farmers’ benefit, they faced strong opposition, citing more losses than gains. Farmers demanded the laws be revoked, leading to days of protests. Eventually, the government repealed the laws on November 19, 2021, after which protests ceased. However, farmers are now protesting again, demanding the implementation of additional assurances. Meanwhile, BJP leaders accuse the Congress of instigating the protests to undermine BJP ahead of elections.

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