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Hungarian President Katalin Novak Steps Down Amid Child Sexual Abuse Pardon Controversy

Hungarian President Katalin Novak has stepped down from her position following protests regarding the granting of amnesty to a man accused of child sexual abuse. Acknowledging her mistake in handling the situation, she resigned and apologized to the victims affected by the case.

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In her final address as President, Katalin Novak admitted her mistakes and announced her resignation. Apologizing for not aiding the victims, she emphasized her dedication to protecting children and families. Novak, who made history in 2022 as Hungary’s first female president, steps down from her role.

The ex-deputy director of the children’s home is facing controversy over granting amnesty. It appears that the convict assisted the home’s owner in concealing child sexual abuse. Even though the decision to pardon the convict was made in April last year, the government only announced it last week. As a result, opposition parties demanded the resignation of Katalin Novak. In this process, she resigned from her position.


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