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Bandla Ganesh Criticizes KTR’s Release of ‘Sweda Patram’ in Video

Congress leader Bandla Ganesh questioned the necessity of a PowerPoint presentation for those lacking power. He dared KTR to refrain from scrutinizing past leaders and instead share the achievements of the BRS government over the last decade. In a video released on Sunday, he strongly condemned KTR for releasing BRS ‘Sweda Patram’. BRS believes that with their hard work, they’ve transformed Telangana into a prosperous state, and as a tribute to their efforts, they’ve aptly named their presentation ‘Sweda Patram’.

Ganesh asserted, “We will expose your actions, unveil your financial exploits, and illuminate the backwardness of Telangana under your governance. The people trusted our words as truth, granting us authority. Why the unease within a month after assuming power? Be patient; we will govern with excellence.”

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