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Deputy CM Bhatti’s tributes at Gaddar’s grave: Visits family at residence

Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka visited the family of Telangana revolutionary and public activist Gaddar’s family. A tribute was performed by offering flowers at the Gaddar Samadhi on the premises of Mahabodhi Vidyalayam, Secunderabad. After that, he went to Gaddar’s residence, visited the family members, and inquired about their well-being.

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Seeing Bhatti Vikramarka in their residence, Gaddar’s wife Vimala became emotional. Bhatti Vikramarka consoled her and told her that they would all stand by the family. Bhatti recalled that Gaddar ran the public movement powerfully without using any violence. He recalled that Gaddar played a key role in persuading Sonia to grant statehood to Telangana by reporting the people’s sacrifices to the Centre. He said that Gaddaranna stood at the top of Telangana state achievement. On this occasion, Gaddar’s wife Vimala, son Suryam and daughter Vennela gave a petition to Bhatti Vikramarka that the government should organize the Gaddar Jayanti and Vardhanti program officially.

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