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Fraudulent Congress Promises: BRS Unveils ‘Congress 420 Promises’ Booklet

The BRS party is actively protesting against the ruling Congress party for failing to fulfil its promised commitments. BRS has taken a stand against the Congress government, accusing it of boasting about unfulfilled promises. The opposition party, having already raised concerns within the assembly, is now gearing up for a public movement. In response, BRS issued a booklet alleging deception by the Congress party and titled it ‘Congress 420 Scams.’

Also Read: BRS Gears Up for Lok Sabha Elections with Constituency-wise Strategy Meetings

BRS party leaders accuse the Congress of making fraudulent promises for electoral gain, asserting that the party could have feasibly fulfilled them but chose to deceive the public. BRS highlights the contrast between the numerous 420 promises made and the focus on only six by Congress. BRS emphasizes its readiness to fight against such deception and urges immediate action rather than prolonged processes to implement the promised programs.

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