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Jubilee Hills Woman Takes On BRS MLA Who Came Asking For Votes

During the election campaign, BRS party MLA Maganti Gopinath was attacked by a woman. She demanded clarification from the MLA on the colony issues. When the woman did not listen even when they tried to convince her, the MLA retorted saying, ‘Are you doing a tamasha?’ Even after looking at the woman angrily, as she stood her ground bravely, the MLA turned back. Later, while she was explaining the failures of the BRS government, the leaders of the BRS Party got into a fight with her. That video has now gone viral.

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The BRS party candidate Maganti Gopinath is campaigning in the Jubilee Hills constituency in Hyderabad as part of the assembly election campaign. When he went to a woman to ask for votes, she asked about a problem. ‘The problem has not been solved yet’ she said. ‘Not here on the road. Come to our office, the solution has already been given,’ said the MLA.

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“There is no solution. Many people have come and asked,” the woman said. The woman spoke loudly saying “You don’t brush aside our problem like that”. MLA Gopinath said, “What? Are you doing a tamasha?” He approached the woman and tried to threaten her and immediately retreated and went on his way. But the woman did not back down. She stopped the MLA even when he was going. BRS Party workers came to her while the woman was shouting that they would come only to ask for votes. They got into an argument with the woman. However, as the woman asked questions without fear, the leaders slowly slipped from there. Telangana Congress shared a video related to this on X.

They wrote, “This is the condition of the BRS party. If the people give them power, they are going to dictatorial tendencies. It’s time to cut down on their support this time. People are not turning away with fear. Defeat is certain for BRS” and posted the video. There is widespread anger over the MLA’s behaviour. People are questioning whether they will be counterattacked if they stand up for an issue.

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