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Kishan Reddy: Congress, BRS Are Family Private Limited Companies

Union Minister and BJP Telangana State President Kishan Reddy has criticized BRS and Congress parties for playing drama in the Rythu Bandhu issue. He questioned, ‘Why was Rythu Bandhu not given before the election notification?’ He commented that BRS and Congress are family parties and assured that the BJP will take action against family parties.

Fight Against Two Parties

Kishan Reddy said, “People have seen BRS and Congress regimes, so he appealed to vote for the BJP. We won’t stop the fight against those two parties. What is the original name of Hyderabad? Who is Haider? That is why we would rename Hyderabad as Bhagya Nagar”. He reminded that the names of many cities in the country have already changed. He said that they abolished triple talaq only for the self-respect of Muslim women. And he assured that the BJP would develop the old city.

Questioned Rahul Gandhi And KCR

Kishan Reddy questioned Rahul Gandhi, “Does the Congress party have the guts to make a BC candidate the CM? If there is a Congress party, there will be corruption and instability.” He said that Congress leaders and Rahul Gandhi are insulting BCs. He criticized KCR for sleeping in a farmhouse and daydreaming. And he questioned whether KCR had the guts to make a Dalit CM.

Policy Of BJP

Kishan Reddy asked the employees to vote for the BJP if they wanted to get salaries on the first day. He called everyone to vote for BJP as it was the only party without family ties. He claimed Congress and BRS parties as family private limited companies and their policies as corruption and nepotism. He made it clear that Dharma and the nation are the BJP’s policies.

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