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New Year Celebrations in Telangana Marked by Soaring Liquor Sales

The state witnessed a surge in liquor sales during the New Year celebrations. Despite Sunday being a holiday, liquor depots were kept open, and more liquor and beer were sent to wine shops. On the 29th, 30th and 31st of this month, liquor and beer were sold to the tune of Rs.658 crore.

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On December 31, the state government issued orders allowing liquor shops to open till midnight and special permission to organize events till 1 am, which further increased the income from liquor sales. 4.76 lakh cases of liquor and 6.31 lakh cases of beer were sold in three days. It is noteworthy that on the 30th alone, Rs.313 crores worth of liquor was sold. With this, the New Year has given an enormous income to the Excise Department in Telangana.

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