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‘Unemployed’ Bus Yatra In Telangana Begins Today, Headache To KCR?

In Telangana, the unemployment awareness bus trip (Nirudyoga Chaitanya Bus Yatra) is set to begin from Gun Park at 4 pm today. Professors Haragopal, Kodandaram, Riaz and Akunuri Murali will wave the flag and start the unemployment awareness drive. He called for the unemployed to come in large numbers for this trip.

The Election Commission has also given permission for this unemployment awareness bus trip to be held across Telangana for 10 days till the 25th of this month.

‘Nirudyoga Chaitanya Bus Yatra Begins’

In the state of Telangana, which was formed on the basis of water, funds and job appointments, the unemployed have suffered severely. In the background of TSPSC question paper leaks and court cases, the process of filling up the posts is not moving forward. Due to this, unemployed people who have been preparing for jobs for years have suffered a lot. The unemployed people of Telangana are ready to oust the KCR government which has cheated the unemployed. It was in this sequence that the unemployed Chaitanya started the bus trip.

These Are Their Main Objectives

Publish and publicize a charge sheet on the errors in the examination administration and job notifications released by the BRS government in the last ten years.
Demand for a complete TSPSC purge and get the message across to the public about it.
Exposing the false propaganda of KTR and Harish Rao about job placements.
To sensitize the unemployed to vote for Congress candidates who have expressed their willingness to prepare a job calendar.
Also Read: Elections 2023: Will the tears of Telangana unemployed people be a curse for KCR?

The Jobless Are On Congress’ Side

It is known that the unemployed in Telangana are deeply dissatisfied with the KCR government. The youth who thought that their lives would be better if there was a separate Telangana participated in many struggles. However, after the formation of the state and the BRS coming into power, some of the notifications that did not provide employment opportunities were met with court cases and examination cancellations. With that, Congress is looking to turn these desperate unemployed towards them. As a part of this campaign, KCR’s behaviour towards the youth is being highlighted. In the meeting held at Station Ghanpur yesterday, TPCC President Revanth Reddy spoke about the tragedy of student Pravallika who died due to the cancellation of the Group 2 examinations. Political analysts say that the unemployed in the state are also against KCR’s rule.

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