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Tourist Snaps Lead to Legal Traps at Thailand’s ‘Mai Khao Beach’

Beach outings are universally cherished for their photogenic allure, but at a certain beach in Thailand, snapping photos comes with a hefty risk. Here, a simple camera click can summon air navigation authorities, leading to potential arrest and, depending on the situation’s gravity, imprisonment.

The strict air navigation laws at ‘Mai Khao Beach’ are due to its unique attraction for tourists, who are thrilled by the sight of aeroplanes flying at low altitudes as they approach Phuket International Airport, located adjacent to the beach. Visitors are captivated by the proximity of landing aircraft, offering a unique experience as planes descend onto the runway. This spectacle draws tourists who eagerly pose for photos with the planes as they make their approach, contributing to the beach’s popularity.

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Tourists taking photos near ‘Mai Khao Beach’ are causing confusion among pilots in the cockpit. Thai authorities have stated that tourists’ photography is distracting pilots and potentially endangering passengers due to the risk of accidents. As a result, the country has implemented strict rules, leading to legal action by Thai police against those who take photos in this area. Furthermore, anyone flying drones, using laser lights, or taking pictures at this beach faces the possibility of being jailed to prevent any interference with aircraft operations and ensure safety.


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