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India Concedes 5 Runs to England Without Batting

In a surprising turn of events during the third Test against England, Team India received an unexpected setback. India conceded 5 runs without any effort, granting England a head start of 5 runs before they even began their first innings, instead of starting at 0.

Also Read: India vs England: Consistent Partnership by Ashwin and Jurel Drives India’s Score

During the 102nd over of India’s innings, Ashwin obstructed the field while running between the wickets in Rehan Ahmed’s bowling. Consequently, the umpire issued a warning, and India incurred a penalty of 5 runs. This means that the opposing team was awarded 5 extra runs. It’s noteworthy that India had received a warning on the first day of the Test match as well. However, since the same mistake occurred again, the penalty was enforced this time.

Understanding the Rule: Penalty of 5 Runs in Cricket

According to cricket rules, scoring runs in the protected area of the pitch is seen as unfair play. Intentionally causing damage to the pitch is considered unethical. If a batsman enters this protected area while playing, they must quickly move away. If a batsman enters the area without a valid reason, it’s considered a violation by the umpire. The batting team receives a warning for this offence once per inning. If the team repeats the same mistake, regardless of the batsman, they are penalized with a five-run penalty. On the first day of the third Test, the umpire warned India’s batsman Jadeja about this behaviour. However, today, when Ashwin also ran in the middle of the pitch, it was considered a second offence, leading to a penalty for Team India.

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