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December 26th: Remembering the deadly Tsunami of 2004

On December 26, 2004, a massive earthquake occurred in the Indian Ocean. The word Tsunami comes from the Japanese language, meaning harbour waves. Around 2,30,000 people lost their lives due to the tsunami which was centered on the southern coast of Sumatra and Indonesia. Some are still missing. In the Indian Ocean, at 7:58 Hours in the morning, local time, a strong tremor of magnitude 9.1-9.3 on the Richter scale occurred on the sea floor. The ground shook for about 8 to 10 minutes. The impact of the earthquake fell on the entire planet. Earthquakes were caused by the friction of the tectonic plates of India and Burma.

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Due to its impact, huge destructive waves of about 30 meters (100 feet) in height broke. Due to this, Indonesia suffered immense losses. Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Bangladesh and Alaska were also affected by this. Because of this, every year on December 26, the victims are reduced to tears while remembering the bitter memories of that day.

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