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Andhra Pradesh

AP Politics: Disqualification Hearing for YSRCP Rebel MLAs

Speaker Thammineni conducted an inquiry on Monday regarding the disqualification petitions filed against MLAs who left the YSRCP party. Notices have been issued to sitting MLAs to appear for personal hearings in the ongoing individual disqualification proceedings. Speaker Tammineni personally interrogated four MLAs regarding these proceedings. MLAs Undavalli Sridevi, Mekapati Chandrasekhar Reddy, Anam Ramanarayana Reddy, and Kotamreddy Sridhar Reddy appeared for the inquiry in the assembly regarding the defection petition. It is reported that the four MLAs met the Speaker and requested additional time regarding the defection issue.

Also Read: AP Politics: Disqualification Hearing for YCPCP Rebel MLAs

YSRCP Rebel MLAs Submit Memo at Inquiry Hearing. The rebel MLAs sought legal advice. Although they requested more time for the disqualification petition, the Speaker disagreed. Therefore, they decided to meet directly and request additional time. They stated that they needed time to discuss with legal experts regarding the disqualification, to verify papers, and video clippings. They also requested 30 days to respond to the petition after it is filed. After meeting with the Speaker, they informed that they had requested a fair opportunity according to natural justice principles.

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During the hearing with the Speaker, the defected MLAs brought new reasons to the forefront. MLA Undavalli Sridevi, currently battling COVID-19 and experiencing severe health issues, has requested more time for her response, stating, “I am still on saline treatment and need additional time until I recover from COVID-19.” MLA Mekapati Chandrasekhar Reddy questioned, “Even after submitting medical reports, they were ignored. What evidence is there to claim that we violated the whip?”. It is reported that MLA Anam Ramanarayana questioned, “It is not fair to ask for a response within just 2 weeks of issuing the notices. Do they actually have any evidence against me?”. While Speaker Tammineni was personally questioning the MLAs, MLCs were being interrogated by Legislative Council Chairman Koyye Moshenu Raju.

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