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Pile Of Debts By BRS Government: Congress Brings Everything Into Light

Telangana state was formed with a surplus of around Rs.3 thousand crores with the division of the state. Ten years later, the situation turned upside down. The surplus is gone, and the debts are piling up. Currently, it seems that Telangana has a debt of Rs.5 lakh crores. The government of the BRS Party, which ruled for almost ten years, has accumulated a mountain of debt due to excessive spending. During KCR’s tenure as CM, there was huge debt. Now, the Congress party which has come to power is surprised by that burden. If the calculations are made department-wise, the debt is coming to light. But it is noteworthy that the administration has been hiding those debts for years.

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The new government is panicking as more and more debts are emerging. So far, the Civil Supplies Department’s Rs.56 thousand crore, the Power Department’s Rs.81 thousand crore, and Discoms’s Rs.41 thousand crore have come to light. It is coming out that there are thousands of crores of debt in each department. The current government is unearthing what the previous government had hidden. As a result, the officials of that department are keeping the actual calculations in front of the government. Despite having so much debt, it has not come out anywhere in the last ten years. The mainstream media have never mentioned these debts.

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All the mainstream media praises the BRS government, but debt is never mentioned. They made articles and broadcasts praising the government. With the change of government, the pile of debts incurred by KCR is moving. It seems that everything KCR and KTR said about good governance has now proved to be false. Telangana, which was formed as a prosperous state, was heavily indebted and left with a mountain of debt. The current government is thinking about how to pay the debts charged by the BRS government. Soon, the Congress government will put the issues related to these debts before the people. It is ready to release white papers to this extent.

Debts as (Rs. Crores)

  • Civil Supplies Department: 56,000
  • Electricity companies: 81,000
  • Discoms: 41,0000

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