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Vijayashanthi Defends Changing Parties.. Says BJP Cheated Her

Film actress and former MP Vijayashanthi has responded to the criticism that she has switched parties. Vijayashanthi said, “Those who criticize the change of party should know one thing, the state BJP leaders said that action must be taken against the corruption of BRS and then ignored it.” Vijayashanthi said that BJP convinced her along with Vivek Venkataswamy and Komati Reddy Rajagopal Reddy that the BJP will fight for anything if they all support it. And Nadu Bandi Sanjay and Kishan Reddy came to her several times for support.

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BJP Cheated Us

Vijayashanthi criticized the BJP that it is working together with BRS and because of that leaders have resigned. She said that there is a need for self-examination by the BJP leaders. Isn’t it true that the central leaders promised her to take action against BRS? she asked. Vijayashanthi said that she joined the BJP from Congress where she worked for years only to fight against BRS, But BJP leaders didn’t keep their word and cheated her.


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