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Tragic Blaze in Delhi: 11 People Perish in Devastating Fire Accident

A tragic incident occurred in Delhi on Thursday evening. A major fire broke out in a paint factory at Dayal Pur Market in the Alipur area of North Delhi. Locals say that the entire factory caught fire after an explosion. A Delhi Fire Service officer reported that 11 people died in the sudden fire incident. Information from locals indicates that a fire broke out in the factory at 5 PM, leading to an immediate response from the fire service team to the location. 150 fire service personnel worked for four hours to bring the flames under control.

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The police are investigating the causes of the accident. Officials say that the factory did not have fire safety permissions. The walls of houses surrounding the fire were scorched. Fire officials reported that the flames spread from the ground floor of the factory. The building had only one staircase, and no one could escape because the flames were intense in that pathway, as reported. Four people were injured and have been admitted to the hospital.

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