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Andhra Pradesh

YS Jagan Tops Job Recruitment Numbers In Both Telugu States

One of the main reasons for the BRS party losing power in Telangana state is the inability to issue job notifications. In almost 10 years of being in power, very few job notifications were given and not many among them were conducted exams for. Several court cases and paper leakages took place around this issue. There was strong opposition among the unemployed youth. It is known that only 16,082 jobs were filled on average per year during KCR’s ten-year rule. It is against this backdrop that during the Telangana elections, the Nirudyoga Chaitanya Bus Yatra was started under the leadership of Prof. Kodandaram. Unemployed youth and Congress leaders travelled together in two buses and tried to highlight the failure of BRS.

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Chandrababu Raising Hopes With ‘One job per home’

TDP president Chandrababu became the CM of Andhra Pradesh in 2014 after the separation of Telugu states. Even under his rule, the young men and women of AP got less job opportunities. It is said that Chandrababu will give one job to each household if he is re-elected in AP in 2024. But people are deploring what he did during his 9-year rule. Parents who hoped that their children’s lives would improve if TDP came to power were disappointed. Most notably, TDP was able to fill only 9,000 jobs on average per year. The problem of unemployment also became a reason for Chandrababu’s heavy defeat in the 2019 elections.

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Most of the posts are filled in Jagan Regime!

AP CM Jagan is in a stronger position than BRS President KCR and TDP President Chandrababu in terms of job vacancies. It is known that under his government 46,832 jobs are being filled on an average per year which is higher than both of them. Another important thing is that all these jobs are apart from the volunteer posts which are also being filled on a war footing. If Jagan has filled so many jobs before the end of his tenure, it remains to be seen how many more will be filled during the election. YS Jagan is giving prominence to education and jobs instead of continuing KCR and Chandrababu’s neglect towards the unemployed.

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