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Pakistan Cricket Team’s Culinary Delights: Featuring Hyderabad Biryani And More!

The Pakistan cricket team, after successfully obtaining Indian visas, arrived in Hyderabad on September 27, where they were greeted with a warm welcome. Captain Babar Azam and all the team members appeared delighted with the reception they received. Several Pakistani players shared their joy about the warm welcome on their social media platforms.

The ODI 2023 World Cup is set to kick off in India on October 5. Ahead of the tournament, the Pakistan team is scheduled to participate in two practice matches. Meanwhile, while in Hyderabad, the Pakistani team unveiled their comprehensive food menu. It encompasses a wide range of options, from chicken and mutton to grilled fish, catering to the dietary needs of the players. The menu includes protein-rich choices such as grilled lamb chops, mutton curry, butter chicken, and grilled fish.

In addition, the team has requested chicken, mutton, and fish to fulfill their protein requirements. Besides these, the chef has been instructed to prepare boiled basmati rice, spaghetti with bolognese sauce, and vegetarian pulao to provide the necessary carbohydrates. The Pakistani team is expected to stay in Hyderabad for approximately two weeks, and during their stay, they will have the opportunity to savor the renowned Hyderabad Biryani.

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